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Savannah Harbor-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority announces workforce study and comprehensive strategic plan for Savannah region

The Savannah Harbor-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority (Savannah JDA) in partnership with existing industries announces that they have tapped Wadley Donovan Gutshaw Consulting, LLC (WDGC) to conduct a Regional Workforce Study and Comprehensive Strategic Plan. The study and plan will identify the labor supply challenges facing Savannah region employers and develop initiatives that will minimize the exposure to existing and future supply shortfalls.

The scope of the study will include the following tasks:

  1. Market Analysis: Desktop research that defines the current resident workforce resources within the region’s labor shed area and statistically identifies the labor market strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  2. Immediate Needs and Challenges: The above market analysis is to be supplemented through field-based interviews with regional stakeholders, soliciting first-hand insights into the immediate workforce needs and challenges.

Tasks one and two will specifically address:

  • The workforce requirements and skill demand by Hyundai Motor Group (HMG), existing industry and new industry entering the market (including HMG suppliers).
  • Benchmark salary expectations for the new skills in demand.
  • Training programs that will be required to fulfil the new labor demands (from high school, technical colleges or 4-year institutions).
  1. Strategic Workforce Plan: Based on results of the above two tasks WDGC will develop a Strategic Workforce Development Plan that addresses the region’s critical labor requirements with recommended initiatives that will support an accommodating pipeline of future talent. Addressed will be the necessary funding and staffing levels to implement the plan and the identification of potential financial resources outside the regional stakeholder contributions.


  1. Regional Workforce Marketing: A marketing plan will be developed to attract targeted requisite skills into the Savannah regional workforce. Preferred targeted areas will be identified with validating documentation that supports the Savannah region’s competitive attraction to those considering potential relocation or expansion.

The study will begin in January 2023.

“Workforce issues are not unique to our region by any means but by proactively bringing together the Savannah JDA and our partners we can more effectively address these issues for companies already located in our region and for those to come including Hyundai Motor Group and their suppliers,” said Savannah Economic Development Authority President and CEO Trip Tollison.

Savannah Harbor-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority Chairman Carter Infinger added, “In speaking with many of the existing industries in the region, we know that the growth of the workforce pipeline is a priority. We hope this study and plan gives us a pathway to assist them.”

Wadley Donovan Gutshaw Consulting has been advising corporations and economic development agencies on facilities locations for more than four decades. They have specific experience in working with communities on workforce and the labor market.

Additionally, the Savannah JDA has committed to hiring a workforce director who will be responsible for implementing the workforce study and strategic plan.

Updates and additional information will be available at