Data Center

Workforce Statistics


Savannah’s talent pipeline is diverse, young and highly skilled with an impressive labor pool readily available within 60 miles or less.

available workforce
within a 60-mile radius

ArcGIS Business Analyst, 2021

Commute Icon

minutes average commute time,
nearly 2 minutes lower than US average

US Census Bureau, 2021


unionization rate, 2022

Savannah Area Workforce & Population

25 miles: 458,000
45 miles: 792,000
60 miles: 921,000

25 miles: 232,000
45 miles: 395,000
60 miles: 448,000

Military Presence

The numbers in the following table represent the largest military presence in the Savannah region, Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield, home of the 3rd Infantry Division. The Savannah region is also home to USMCAS Beaufort, MCRD Parris Island, 165th Airlift Wing of the Georgia Air National Guard, U.S. Guard Station and USCG Air Station Savannah which totals approximately 32,000 total active military personnel within 45 miles of Savannah.

Designation Population
Military Personnel 20,850
Civilian Employment 4,153
Military Family Members 37,002
Military Retirees (within 50 mile radius) 12,626

Source: Fort Stewart/HAAF

Chatham County Commuting Patterns

60,616 - employed in & live outside Chatham
87,078 - employed & live in Chatham
28,386 - live in & employed outside Chatham

Source: US Census Bureau, 2017

Employment by Industry

Source: Georgia Department of Labor, 2022 Q3 QCEW